- Solar panels must be constantly exposed to light to produce electricity
- Click here to learn how solar panels work
- Solar panels are only effective if they will be receiving lots of sunlight
- Solar panels consist of many individual solar cells
- Each individual cell does not produce large amounts of electricity by itself
- Large surface area is needed in order to produce maximum electricity
- The need for large solar panels must be balanced with the need for the entire satellite to be relatively small
- Solar panels can be mounted on the body of the satellite
- If the body is not large enough for the amount of solar panels needed, the panels may be extended in arrays off to the side of the satellite
- Solar panels will not "run down" like a battery (completely renewable)
- Solar panels can be used together with a battery, which recharges when the satellite is in the sun and provides the satellite's power when the satellite is not
- They are excellent for satellites studying the sun or the planets orbiting close to the sun
- They cannot be used easily for space exploration satellites going deep into space because they will travel too far from the sun to receive sufficient power
- They are moderately efficient and moderately expensive
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Produced by Galactics.
Comments: galactics@spacesim.org.
Last updated on: 8 August 1997.