Other Contributors

Terry Prichett. . .

. . .our teacher and our friend - he made this project possible. Mr. Prichett is the Coordinator of the OBE Space Simulation, the Partner Custodian of this project.

Madhava Enros and Jessica Eden. . .

. . .two of the original creators of the OBESS Satellites Program which was the inspiration for this site.

Aven McMaster. . .

. . .the editor of the site, who spent many hours making sure the spelling, punctuation, and grammar were perfect.

Michelle Schnobb. . .

. . .who helped find images to illustrate the site.

Jessica Eden. . .

. . .the brilliant artist of the "You Be The Engineer" Engineer Susan cartoons.

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You Be the Engineer | Image Gallery | Glossary | Credits

Produced by Galactics.
Comments: galactics@spacesim.org.
Last updated on: 8 August 1997.